Module admin_multisig
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import smartpy as sp
A Multisig Contract used to administrate other contracts.
class MS_TYPES:
# == Multisig Types == #
# #
# The types in this file are shared with #
# contracts interacting with the multisig #
# contract. #
# Internal administration action type specification
InternalAdminAction = sp.TVariant(
changeSigners = sp.TVariant(
removed = sp.TSet(sp.TAddress),
added = sp.TList(
address = sp.TAddress,
publicKey = sp.TKey
changeQuorum = sp.TNat,
changeMetadata = sp.TPair(sp.TString, sp.TOption(sp.TBytes)),
# External administration action type specification
ExternalAdminAction = sp.TRecord(
target = sp.TAddress,
actions = sp.TBytes
# Proposal action type specification
ProposalAction = sp.TVariant(
internal = sp.TList(InternalAdminAction),
external = sp.TList(ExternalAdminAction)
# Proposal type specification
Proposal = sp.TRecord(
startedAt = sp.TTimestamp,
initiator = sp.TAddress,
endorsements = sp.TSet(sp.TAddress),
actions = ProposalAction
AggregatedProposalParams = sp.TRecord(
signatures = sp.TList(
signerAddress = sp.TAddress,
signature = sp.TSignature
proposalId = sp.TNat,
actions = ProposalAction
AggregatedEndorsementParams = sp.TList(
signatures = sp.TList(
signerAddress = sp.TAddress,
signature = sp.TSignature
proposalId = sp.TNat
# + Metadata #
"name" : "Generic Multisig Administrator",
"version" : "1",
"description" : "Generic Multisig Administrator",
"source" : {
"tools": [ "SmartPy" ]
"interfaces" : [ "TZIP-016" ],
# + Error Messages #
class ERR:
def make(s): return ("MULTISIG_" + s)
Badsig = make("Badsig")
ProposalUnknown = make("ProposalUnknown")
NotInitiator = make("NotInitiator")
SignerUnknown = make("SignerUnknown")
InvalidTarget = make("InvalidTarget")
MoreQuorumThanSigners = make("MoreQuorumThanSigners")
InvalidProposalId = make("InvalidProposalId")
# + Helpers #
class MultisigHelpers:
def failIfNotSigner(self, address):
sp.verify(, message = ERR.SignerUnknown)
def failIfProposalNotActive(self, proposalId):
sp.verify(, message = ERR.ProposalUnknown)
# + Contract #
class MultisigAdmin(sp.Contract, MultisigHelpers):
def __init__(
# Metadata helper
self.init_metadata("metadata", METADATA)
quorum = sp.TNat,
lastProposalId = sp.TNat,
signers = sp.TMap(
publicKey = sp.TKey,
lastProposalId = sp.TOption(sp.TNat)
proposals = sp.TBigMap(sp.TNat, MS_TYPES.Proposal),
activeProposals = sp.TSet(sp.TNat),
metadata = sp.TBigMap(sp.TString, sp.TBytes),
quorum = quorum,
lastProposalId = 0,
signers = signers,
proposals = sp.big_map(),
activeProposals = sp.set(),
metadata = sp.utils.metadata_of_url(metadataURL)
def proposal(self, actions):
Each user can have at most one proposal active at a time.
Submitting a new proposal overrides the previous one.
# Proposals can only be submitted by registered signers
# If the proposal initiator has an active proposal,
# then replace that proposal with the new one
signerLastProposalId =[sp.sender].lastProposalId
with sp.if_(signerLastProposalId != sp.none):
# Increment proposal counter += 1
proposalId =
# Store new proposal[proposalId] = sp.record(
startedAt =,
initiator = sp.sender,
endorsements = sp.set([sp.sender]),
actions = actions
# Update signer's last proposal[sp.sender].lastProposalId = sp.some(proposalId)
# Approve the proposal if quorum only requires 1 vote
with sp.if_( < 2):
proposalId = proposalId,
actions = actions,
def endorsement(self, endorsements):
Entrypoint used to submit endorsements to single/multiple proposals.
# Endorsements can only be submitted by registered signers
# Iterate over every endorsement
with sp.for_("pId", endorsements) as pId:
proposalId = pId,
signerAddress = sp.sender
# Approve the proposal if quorum was reached
proposal =[pId]
with sp.if_(sp.len(proposal.endorsements) >=
proposalId = pId,
actions = proposal.actions,
def aggregated_proposal(self, params):
Users can send aggregated proposal, which are signed offchain and validated onchain.
sp.set_type(params, MS_TYPES.AggregatedProposalParams)
self.failIfNotSigner(sp.sender) += 1
sp.verify( == params.proposalId, message = ERR.InvalidProposalId)
proposal = sp.compute(
startedAt =,
initiator = sp.sender,
endorsements = sp.set([sp.sender]),
actions = params.actions
# If the proposal initiator has an active proposal,
# then replace that proposal with the new one
proposerLastProposalId =[sp.sender].lastProposalId
with sp.if_(proposerLastProposalId != sp.none):[sp.sender].lastProposalId = sp.some(params.proposalId)[params.proposalId] = proposal
preSignature = sp.compute(
actions = params.actions,
# (contractAddress + proposalId) protect against replay attacks
proposalId = params.proposalId,
contractAddress = sp.self_address,
# Validate and apply endorsements
with sp.for_("signature", params.signatures) as signature:
publicKey =[signature.signerAddress].publicKey
sp.verify(sp.check_signature(publicKey, signature.signature, preSignature), message = ERR.Badsig)
# Check quorum
with sp.if_(sp.len(proposal.endorsements) >=
proposalId = params.proposalId,
actions = proposal.actions,
def aggregated_endorsement(self, endorsements):
Users can send aggregated votes, which are signed offchain and validated onchain.
sp.set_type(endorsements, MS_TYPES.AggregatedEndorsementParams)
with sp.for_("endorsment", endorsements) as endorsement:
with sp.for_("signature", endorsement.signatures) as signature:
preSignature = sp.pack(
# (contractAddress + proposalId) protect against replay attacks
contractAddress = sp.self_address,
proposalId = endorsement.proposalId
publicKey =[signature.signerAddress].publicKey
sp.check_signature(publicKey, signature.signature, preSignature),
message = ERR.Badsig
proposalId = endorsement.proposalId,
signerAddress = signature.signerAddress
proposal = sp.compute([endorsement.proposalId])
with sp.if_(sp.len(proposal.endorsements) >=
proposalId = endorsement.proposalId,
actions = proposal.actions,
def cancel_proposal(self, proposalId):
# Signers can only cancel their own proposals
sp.verify([proposalId].initiator == sp.sender, message = ERR.NotInitiator)
@sp.private_lambda(with_storage="read-write", wrap_call=True)
def registerEndorsement(self, params):
# Add endorsement to proposal[params.proposalId].endorsements.add(params.signerAddress)
@sp.private_lambda(with_storage="read-write", with_operations=True, wrap_call=True)
def onApproved(self, params):
with (params.actions).match_cases() as arg:
# Internal actions are applied to the multisig contract
with arg.match("internal") as internalActions:
with sp.for_("action", internalActions) as action:
# Removes all active proposals after an administrative change.
# External actions are applied to other contracts
with arg.match("external") as externalActions:
with sp.for_("action", externalActions) as action:
target = sp.contract(sp.TBytes,
sp.transfer(action.actions, sp.tez(0), target)
def selfAdmin(self, action):
Apply administrative actions to the multisig contract
with (action).match_cases() as arg:
with arg.match('changeQuorum') as quorum: = quorum
with arg.match('changeMetadata') as metadata:
k, v = sp.match_pair(metadata)
with sp.if_(v.is_some()):[k] = v.open_some()
with sp.else_():
with arg.match('changeSigners') as changeSigners:
with (changeSigners).match_cases() as cvAction:
with cvAction.match('removed') as removeSet:
with sp.for_("address", removeSet.elements()) as address:
with sp.if_(
# Remove signer
# We don't remove signer[address].lastProposalId
# because we remove all activeProposals after it.
with cvAction.match('added') as addList:
with sp.for_("signer", addList) as signer:[signer.address] = sp.record(
publicKey = signer.publicKey,
lastProposalId = sp.none
# Ensure that the contract never requires more quorum than the total of signers.
sp.verify( <= sp.len(, message = ERR.MoreQuorumThanSigners)
def removeActiveProposals(self):
This method removes all active proposals when either the quorum or the signers get updated.
""" = sp.set([])
quorum = 1,
signers =
sp.address("KT1_SIGNER1_ADDRESS") : sp.record(
publicKey = sp.key("KT1_SIGNER1_KEY"),
lastProposalId = sp.none
tkey = sp.TAddress,
tvalue = sp.TRecord(
publicKey = sp.TKey,
lastProposalId = sp.TOption(sp.TNat)
metadataURL = "ipfs://"
if "templates" not in __name__:
# Helpers
class InternalHelper():
def variant(content):
return sp.variant("internal", content)
def changeQuorum(quorum):
return sp.variant("changeQuorum", quorum)
def removeSigners(l):
return sp.variant("changeSigners",
sp.variant("removed", sp.set(l))
def addSigners(l):
added_list = []
for added_info in l:
addr, publicKey = added_info
address = addr,
publicKey = publicKey)
return sp.variant("changeSigners",
sp.variant("added", sp.list(added_list))
class ExternalHelper():
def variant(content):
return sp.variant("external", content)
def changeActive(active):
return sp.variant("changeActive", active)
def changeAdmin(address):
return sp.variant("changeAdmin", address)
def sign(account, contract):
message = sp.pack(
contractAddress = contract.address,
proposalId =
signature = sp.make_signature(account.secret_key, message, message_format = 'Raw')
vote = sp.record(
signerAddress = account.address,
signature = signature
return vote
# Test contract
class Administrated(sp.Contract):
This contract is a sample
It shows how a contract can be administrated
through the multisig administration contract
def __init__(self, admin, active):
admin = admin,
active = active
AdministrationType = sp.TVariant(
changeAdmin = sp.TAddress,
changeActive = sp.TBool
def administrate(self, actionsBytes):
sp.verify(sp.sender ==, message = "NOT ADMIN")
# actionsBytes is packed and must be unpacked
actions = sp.unpack(actionsBytes, sp.TList(Administrated.AdministrationType)).open_some(message = "Actions are invalid")
with sp.for_("action", actions) as action:
with (action).match_cases() as arg:
with arg.match('changeActive') as active: = active
with arg.match('changeAdmin') as admin: = admin
def verifyActive(self):
sp.verify(, message = "NOT ACTIVE")
# Helpers
def packActions(self, actions):
actions = sp.set_type_expr(actions, sp.TList(Administrated.AdministrationType))
return sp.pack(actions)
def add_test(internal_tests, is_default = True):
name = "Internal Administration tests" if internal_tests else "External Administration tests"
@sp.add_test(name = name, is_default = is_default)
def test():
sc = sp.test_scenario()
admin = sp.test_account("admin")
signer1 = sp.test_account("signer1")
signer2 = sp.test_account("signer2")
signer3 = sp.test_account("signer3")
signer4 = sp.test_account("signer4")
if internal_tests:
sc.h3("Originate Multisig Admin")
multisigAdmin = MultisigAdmin(
quorum = 1,
signers =
signer1.address : sp.record(
publicKey = signer1.public_key,
lastProposalId = sp.none
signer2.address : sp.record(
publicKey = signer2.public_key,
lastProposalId = sp.none
metadataURL = "ipfs://"
sc += multisigAdmin
# Auto-accepted proposal #
sc.h2("Auto-accepted proposal when quorum is 1")
sc.h3("signer1 propose to change quorum to 2")
sc.verify( == 1)
changeQuorum = InternalHelper.changeQuorum(2)
sc += multisigAdmin.proposal(InternalHelper.variant([changeQuorum])).run(sender = signer1)
sc.verify( == 2)
# Add a 3rd signer #
sc.h2("Adding a 3rd signer")
sc.h3("signer2 new proposal to include signer3")
sc.verify(sp.len( == 2)
changeSigners = InternalHelper.addSigners([(signer3.address, signer3.public_key)])
sc += multisigAdmin.proposal(InternalHelper.variant([changeSigners])).run(sender = signer2)
sc.h3("signer1 votes the proposal")
sc += multisigAdmin.endorsement([]).run(sender = signer1)
sc.verify(sp.len( == 3)
# New proposal (change Quorum from 2 to 3) #
sc.h2("New proposal (change Quorum from 2 to 3)")
sc.h3("signer1 new proposal to change quorum to 3")
changeQuorum = InternalHelper.changeQuorum(3)
sc += multisigAdmin.proposal(InternalHelper.variant([changeQuorum])).run(sender = signer1)
# Proposal has not been validated yet
sc.verify( == 2)
sc.h3("signer2 votes the proposal (2/2)")
sc += multisigAdmin.endorsement([]).run(sender = signer2)
sc.verify( == 3)
# Newly included signer starts a proposal #
sc.h2("Newly included signer starts a proposal")
sc.h3("New proposal by signer 3 to decrease quorum to 2")
changeQuorum = InternalHelper.changeQuorum(2)
sc += multisigAdmin.proposal(InternalHelper.variant([changeQuorum])).run(sender = signer3)
sc.h3("signer1 votes the proposal")
sc += multisigAdmin.endorsement([]).run(sender = signer1)
sc.verify( == 3)
sc.h3("signer2 votes the proposal")
sc += multisigAdmin.endorsement([]).run(sender = signer2)
sc.verify( == 2)
# Cancel #
sc.h2("Proposal cancellation")
sc.h3("New proposal by signer 1")
changeTimeout = InternalHelper.changeQuorum(3)
sc += multisigAdmin.proposal(InternalHelper.variant([changeTimeout])).run(sender = signer1)
sc.verify(sp.len( == 1)
sc.h3("Signer 2 tries to cancel the proposal (must fail, only the initiator can cancel)")
sc += multisigAdmin.cancel_proposal( = signer2, valid = False)
sc.h3("Signer 1 cancels the proposal")
sc += multisigAdmin.cancel_proposal( = signer1)
sc.verify(sp.len( == 0)
sc.h3("Signer 2 tries to vote the canceled proposal")
sc += multisigAdmin.endorsement([]).run(sender = signer2, valid = False)
sc.verify( != 3)
# 2 actions proposal #
sc.h2("2 actions proposal")
sc.h3("Signer 1 new proposal: change quorum to 2 and add signer 4")
changeQuorum = InternalHelper.changeQuorum(3)
changeSigners = InternalHelper.addSigners([(signer4.address, signer4.public_key)])
sc += multisigAdmin.proposal(InternalHelper.variant([changeQuorum, changeSigners])).run(sender = signer1)
sc.h3("Signer 2 votes the proposal")
sc += multisigAdmin.endorsement([]).run(sender = signer2)
sc.verify( == 3)
# 2 Internal proposals at the same time #
sc.h3("Signer 1 new proposal: change quorum to 2 and remove signer 4")
changeQuorum = InternalHelper.changeQuorum(2)
sc += multisigAdmin.proposal(InternalHelper.variant([changeQuorum])).run(sender = signer1)
changeSigners = InternalHelper.removeSigners([signer4.address])
sc += multisigAdmin.proposal(InternalHelper.variant([changeSigners])).run(sender = signer2)
sc.verify(sp.len( == 2)
sc.h3("Signer 3 votes on quorum proposal")
sc += multisigAdmin.endorsement([sp.as_nat( - 1)]).run(sender = signer3)
sc.h3("Signer 4 votes on signers proposal")
sc += multisigAdmin.endorsement([]).run(sender = signer4)
sc.h3("Confirm that nothing has changed")
sc.verify( == 3)
sc.h3("Signer 4 votes on quorum proposal")
sc += multisigAdmin.endorsement([sp.as_nat( - 1)]).run(sender = signer4)
sc.h3("Confirm that quorum was updated and signers proposal was canceled")
sc.verify(sp.len( == 0)
sc.verify( == 2)
# Multisig endorsements #
sc.h2("Multi vote in one call")
sc.h3("Signer 1 new proposal")
changeQuorum = InternalHelper.changeQuorum(3)
sc += multisigAdmin.proposal(InternalHelper.variant([changeQuorum])).run(sender = signer1)
sc.h3("Signer 2 and Signer 3 votes are pushed by Signer 1")
signer2_endorsement = sign(signer2, contract = multisigAdmin)
signer3_endorsement = sign(signer3, contract = multisigAdmin)
proposalEndorsements = sp.record(
proposalId =,
signatures = [signer2_endorsement, signer3_endorsement]
sc += multisigAdmin.aggregated_endorsement([proposalEndorsements]).run(sender = signer1)
sc.verify( == 3)
# Multisig proposal #
sc.h2("Multi vote in one call")
sc.h3("Signer 1 new proposal")
changeQuorum = InternalHelper.changeQuorum(3)
sc += multisigAdmin.proposal(InternalHelper.variant([changeQuorum])).run(sender = signer1)
sc.h3("Signer 2 and Signer 3 votes are pushed by Signer 1")
signer2_vote = sign(signer2, contract = multisigAdmin)
signer3_vote = sign(signer3, contract = multisigAdmin)
proposalVotes = sp.record(
proposalId =,
signatures = [signer2_vote, signer3_vote]
sc += multisigAdmin.aggregated_endorsement([proposalVotes]).run(sender = signer1)
sc.verify( == 3)
sc.h3("Originate Multisig Admin")
multisigAdmin = MultisigAdmin(
quorum = 3,
signers =
signer1.address : sp.record(
publicKey = signer1.public_key,
lastProposalId = sp.none
signer2.address : sp.record(
publicKey = signer2.public_key,
lastProposalId = sp.none
signer3.address : sp.record(
publicKey = signer3.public_key,
lastProposalId = sp.none
metadataURL = "ipfs://"
sc += multisigAdmin
sc.h3("Originate administrated contract")
administrated = Administrated(admin.address, False)
sc += administrated
administrated_entrypoint = administrated.typed.administrate
sc.h2("Set multisig as admin of administrated contract")
sc.verify( == False)
sc.verify( == admin.address)
actions = administrated.packActions([ExternalHelper.changeAdmin(multisigAdmin.address)])
sc += administrated.administrate(actions).run(sender = admin)
sc.verify( == False)
sc.verify( == multisigAdmin.address)
sc.h2("Activate the administrated contract")
sc.h3("Signer 1 new proposal: changeActive")
actions = administrated.packActions([ExternalHelper.changeActive(True)])
sc += multisigAdmin.proposal(ExternalHelper.variant(
target = sp.to_address(administrated_entrypoint),
actions = actions
)).run(sender = signer1)
sc.verify( == False)
sc.h3("Signer 2 votes")
sc += multisigAdmin.endorsement([]).run(sender = signer2)
sc.verify( == False)
sc.h3("Signer 3 votes")
sc += multisigAdmin.endorsement([]).run(sender = signer3)
sc.verify( == True)
sc.h2("Use Multisig vote to deactivate the administrated contract")
sc.h3("Signer 1 new proposal: changeActive")
actions = administrated.packActions([ExternalHelper.changeActive(False)])
sc += multisigAdmin.proposal(ExternalHelper.variant(
target = sp.to_address(administrated_entrypoint),
actions = actions
)).run(sender = signer1)
sc.verify( == True)
sc.h3("Signer 2 and Signer 3 votes are pushed by Signer 1")
signer2_vote = sign(signer2, contract = multisigAdmin)
signer3_vote = sign(signer3, contract = multisigAdmin)
proposalVotes = sp.record(
proposalId =,
signatures = [signer2_vote, signer3_vote]
sc += multisigAdmin.aggregated_endorsement([proposalVotes]).run(sender = signer1)
sc.verify( == False)
add_test(internal_tests = True)
add_test(internal_tests = False)
def sign(account, contract)
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def sign(account, contract): message = sp.pack( sp.record( contractAddress = contract.address, proposalId = ) ) signature = sp.make_signature(account.secret_key, message, message_format = 'Raw') vote = sp.record( signerAddress = account.address, signature = signature ) return vote
def add_test(internal_tests, is_default=True)
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def add_test(internal_tests, is_default = True): name = "Internal Administration tests" if internal_tests else "External Administration tests" @sp.add_test(name = name, is_default = is_default) def test(): sc = sp.test_scenario() sc.h1(name) sc.table_of_contents() admin = sp.test_account("admin") signer1 = sp.test_account("signer1") signer2 = sp.test_account("signer2") signer3 = sp.test_account("signer3") signer4 = sp.test_account("signer4") if internal_tests: sc.h3("Originate Multisig Admin") multisigAdmin = MultisigAdmin( quorum = 1, signers = { signer1.address : sp.record( publicKey = signer1.public_key, lastProposalId = sp.none ), signer2.address : sp.record( publicKey = signer2.public_key, lastProposalId = sp.none ) } ), metadataURL = "ipfs://" ) sc += multisigAdmin ########################## # Auto-accepted proposal # ########################## sc.h2("Auto-accepted proposal when quorum is 1") sc.h3("signer1 propose to change quorum to 2") sc.verify( == 1) changeQuorum = InternalHelper.changeQuorum(2) sc += multisigAdmin.proposal(InternalHelper.variant([changeQuorum])).run(sender = signer1) sc.verify( == 2) #################### # Add a 3rd signer # #################### sc.h2("Adding a 3rd signer") sc.h3("signer2 new proposal to include signer3") sc.verify(sp.len( == 2) sc.verify( changeSigners = InternalHelper.addSigners([(signer3.address, signer3.public_key)]) sc += multisigAdmin.proposal(InternalHelper.variant([changeSigners])).run(sender = signer2) sc.h3("signer1 votes the proposal") sc += multisigAdmin.endorsement([]).run(sender = signer1) sc.verify( sc.verify(sp.len( == 3) ############################################ # New proposal (change Quorum from 2 to 3) # ############################################ sc.h2("New proposal (change Quorum from 2 to 3)") sc.h3("signer1 new proposal to change quorum to 3") changeQuorum = InternalHelper.changeQuorum(3) sc += multisigAdmin.proposal(InternalHelper.variant([changeQuorum])).run(sender = signer1) # Proposal has not been validated yet sc.verify( == 2) sc.h3("signer2 votes the proposal (2/2)") sc += multisigAdmin.endorsement([]).run(sender = signer2) sc.verify( == 3) ########################################### # Newly included signer starts a proposal # ########################################### sc.h2("Newly included signer starts a proposal") sc.h3("New proposal by signer 3 to decrease quorum to 2") changeQuorum = InternalHelper.changeQuorum(2) sc += multisigAdmin.proposal(InternalHelper.variant([changeQuorum])).run(sender = signer3) sc.h3("signer1 votes the proposal") sc += multisigAdmin.endorsement([]).run(sender = signer1) sc.verify( == 3) sc.h3("signer2 votes the proposal") sc += multisigAdmin.endorsement([]).run(sender = signer2) sc.verify( == 2) ########## # Cancel # ########## sc.h2("Proposal cancellation") sc.h3("New proposal by signer 1") changeTimeout = InternalHelper.changeQuorum(3) sc += multisigAdmin.proposal(InternalHelper.variant([changeTimeout])).run(sender = signer1) sc.verify(sp.len( == 1) sc.h3("Signer 2 tries to cancel the proposal (must fail, only the initiator can cancel)") sc += multisigAdmin.cancel_proposal( = signer2, valid = False) sc.h3("Signer 1 cancels the proposal") sc += multisigAdmin.cancel_proposal( = signer1) sc.verify(sp.len( == 0) sc.h3("Signer 2 tries to vote the canceled proposal") sc += multisigAdmin.endorsement([]).run(sender = signer2, valid = False) sc.verify( != 3) ###################### # 2 actions proposal # ###################### sc.h2("2 actions proposal") sc.h3("Signer 1 new proposal: change quorum to 2 and add signer 4") sc.verify( changeQuorum = InternalHelper.changeQuorum(3) changeSigners = InternalHelper.addSigners([(signer4.address, signer4.public_key)]) sc += multisigAdmin.proposal(InternalHelper.variant([changeQuorum, changeSigners])).run(sender = signer1) sc.h3("Signer 2 votes the proposal") sc += multisigAdmin.endorsement([]).run(sender = signer2) sc.verify( == 3) sc.verify( ######################################### # 2 Internal proposals at the same time # ######################################### sc.h3("Signer 1 new proposal: change quorum to 2 and remove signer 4") changeQuorum = InternalHelper.changeQuorum(2) sc += multisigAdmin.proposal(InternalHelper.variant([changeQuorum])).run(sender = signer1) changeSigners = InternalHelper.removeSigners([signer4.address]) sc += multisigAdmin.proposal(InternalHelper.variant([changeSigners])).run(sender = signer2) sc.verify(sp.len( == 2) sc.h3("Signer 3 votes on quorum proposal") sc += multisigAdmin.endorsement([sp.as_nat( - 1)]).run(sender = signer3) sc.h3("Signer 4 votes on signers proposal") sc += multisigAdmin.endorsement([]).run(sender = signer4) sc.h3("Confirm that nothing has changed") sc.verify( == 3) sc.verify( sc.h3("Signer 4 votes on quorum proposal") sc += multisigAdmin.endorsement([sp.as_nat( - 1)]).run(sender = signer4) sc.h3("Confirm that quorum was updated and signers proposal was canceled") sc.verify(sp.len( == 0) sc.verify( == 2) sc.verify( ######################### # Multisig endorsements # ######################### sc.h2("Multi vote in one call") sc.h3("Signer 1 new proposal") changeQuorum = InternalHelper.changeQuorum(3) sc += multisigAdmin.proposal(InternalHelper.variant([changeQuorum])).run(sender = signer1) sc.h3("Signer 2 and Signer 3 votes are pushed by Signer 1") signer2_endorsement = sign(signer2, contract = multisigAdmin) signer3_endorsement = sign(signer3, contract = multisigAdmin) proposalEndorsements = sp.record( proposalId =, signatures = [signer2_endorsement, signer3_endorsement] ) sc += multisigAdmin.aggregated_endorsement([proposalEndorsements]).run(sender = signer1) sc.verify( == 3) ##################### # Multisig proposal # ##################### sc.h2("Multi vote in one call") sc.h3("Signer 1 new proposal") changeQuorum = InternalHelper.changeQuorum(3) sc += multisigAdmin.proposal(InternalHelper.variant([changeQuorum])).run(sender = signer1) sc.h3("Signer 2 and Signer 3 votes are pushed by Signer 1") signer2_vote = sign(signer2, contract = multisigAdmin) signer3_vote = sign(signer3, contract = multisigAdmin) proposalVotes = sp.record( proposalId =, signatures = [signer2_vote, signer3_vote] ) sc += multisigAdmin.aggregated_endorsement([proposalVotes]).run(sender = signer1) sc.verify( == 3) ########################################## else: sc.h3("Originate Multisig Admin") multisigAdmin = MultisigAdmin( quorum = 3, signers = { signer1.address : sp.record( publicKey = signer1.public_key, lastProposalId = sp.none ), signer2.address : sp.record( publicKey = signer2.public_key, lastProposalId = sp.none ), signer3.address : sp.record( publicKey = signer3.public_key, lastProposalId = sp.none ) } ), metadataURL = "ipfs://" ) sc += multisigAdmin sc.h3("Originate administrated contract") administrated = Administrated(admin.address, False) sc += administrated administrated_entrypoint = administrated.typed.administrate sc.h2("Set multisig as admin of administrated contract") sc.verify( == False) sc.verify( == admin.address) actions = administrated.packActions([ExternalHelper.changeAdmin(multisigAdmin.address)]) sc += administrated.administrate(actions).run(sender = admin) sc.verify( == False) sc.verify( == multisigAdmin.address) sc.h2("Activate the administrated contract") sc.h3("Signer 1 new proposal: changeActive") actions = administrated.packActions([ExternalHelper.changeActive(True)]) sc += multisigAdmin.proposal(ExternalHelper.variant( [sp.record( target = sp.to_address(administrated_entrypoint), actions = actions )] )).run(sender = signer1) sc.verify( == False) sc.h3("Signer 2 votes") sc += multisigAdmin.endorsement([]).run(sender = signer2) sc.verify( == False) sc.h3("Signer 3 votes") sc += multisigAdmin.endorsement([]).run(sender = signer3) sc.verify( == True) sc.h2("Use Multisig vote to deactivate the administrated contract") sc.h3("Signer 1 new proposal: changeActive") actions = administrated.packActions([ExternalHelper.changeActive(False)]) sc += multisigAdmin.proposal(ExternalHelper.variant( [sp.record( target = sp.to_address(administrated_entrypoint), actions = actions )] )).run(sender = signer1) sc.verify( == True) sc.h3("Signer 2 and Signer 3 votes are pushed by Signer 1") signer2_vote = sign(signer2, contract = multisigAdmin) signer3_vote = sign(signer3, contract = multisigAdmin) proposalVotes = sp.record( proposalId =, signatures = [signer2_vote, signer3_vote] ) sc += multisigAdmin.aggregated_endorsement([proposalVotes]).run(sender = signer1) sc.verify( == False)
class MS_TYPES
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class MS_TYPES: ############################################# # == Multisig Types == # # # # The types in this file are shared with # # contracts interacting with the multisig # # contract. # ############################################# # Internal administration action type specification InternalAdminAction = sp.TVariant( changeSigners = sp.TVariant( removed = sp.TSet(sp.TAddress), added = sp.TList( sp.TRecord( address = sp.TAddress, publicKey = sp.TKey ).right_comb() ) ).right_comb(), changeQuorum = sp.TNat, changeMetadata = sp.TPair(sp.TString, sp.TOption(sp.TBytes)), ).right_comb() # External administration action type specification ExternalAdminAction = sp.TRecord( target = sp.TAddress, actions = sp.TBytes ).right_comb() # Proposal action type specification ProposalAction = sp.TVariant( internal = sp.TList(InternalAdminAction), external = sp.TList(ExternalAdminAction) ).right_comb() # Proposal type specification Proposal = sp.TRecord( startedAt = sp.TTimestamp, initiator = sp.TAddress, endorsements = sp.TSet(sp.TAddress), actions = ProposalAction ).right_comb() AggregatedProposalParams = sp.TRecord( signatures = sp.TList( sp.TRecord( signerAddress = sp.TAddress, signature = sp.TSignature ).right_comb() ), proposalId = sp.TNat, actions = ProposalAction ).right_comb() AggregatedEndorsementParams = sp.TList( sp.TRecord( signatures = sp.TList( sp.TRecord( signerAddress = sp.TAddress, signature = sp.TSignature ).right_comb() ), proposalId = sp.TNat ).right_comb() )
Class variables
var InternalAdminAction
var ExternalAdminAction
var ProposalAction
var Proposal
var AggregatedProposalParams
var AggregatedEndorsementParams
class ERR
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class ERR: def make(s): return ("MULTISIG_" + s) Badsig = make("Badsig") ProposalUnknown = make("ProposalUnknown") NotInitiator = make("NotInitiator") SignerUnknown = make("SignerUnknown") InvalidTarget = make("InvalidTarget") MoreQuorumThanSigners = make("MoreQuorumThanSigners") InvalidProposalId = make("InvalidProposalId")
Class variables
var Badsig
var ProposalUnknown
var NotInitiator
var SignerUnknown
var InvalidTarget
var MoreQuorumThanSigners
var InvalidProposalId
def make(s)
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def make(s): return ("MULTISIG_" + s)
class MultisigHelpers
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class MultisigHelpers: def failIfNotSigner(self, address): sp.verify(, message = ERR.SignerUnknown) def failIfProposalNotActive(self, proposalId): sp.verify(, message = ERR.ProposalUnknown)
def failIfNotSigner(self, address)
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def failIfNotSigner(self, address): sp.verify(, message = ERR.SignerUnknown)
def failIfProposalNotActive(self, proposalId)
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def failIfProposalNotActive(self, proposalId): sp.verify(, message = ERR.ProposalUnknown)
class MultisigAdmin (quorum, signers, metadataURL)
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class MultisigAdmin(sp.Contract, MultisigHelpers): def __init__( self, quorum, signers, metadataURL ): # Metadata helper self.init_metadata("metadata", METADATA) self.init_type( sp.TRecord( quorum = sp.TNat, lastProposalId = sp.TNat, signers = sp.TMap( sp.TAddress, sp.TRecord( publicKey = sp.TKey, lastProposalId = sp.TOption(sp.TNat) ).right_comb() ), proposals = sp.TBigMap(sp.TNat, MS_TYPES.Proposal), activeProposals = sp.TSet(sp.TNat), metadata = sp.TBigMap(sp.TString, sp.TBytes), ).right_comb() ) self.init( quorum = quorum, lastProposalId = 0, signers = signers, proposals = sp.big_map(), activeProposals = sp.set(), metadata = sp.utils.metadata_of_url(metadataURL) ) ##################################### # ++ ENTRYPOINTS # ##################################### @sp.entrypoint def proposal(self, actions): """ Each user can have at most one proposal active at a time. Submitting a new proposal overrides the previous one. """ # Proposals can only be submitted by registered signers self.failIfNotSigner(sp.sender) # If the proposal initiator has an active proposal, # then replace that proposal with the new one signerLastProposalId =[sp.sender].lastProposalId with sp.if_(signerLastProposalId != sp.none): # Increment proposal counter += 1 proposalId = # Store new proposal[proposalId] = sp.record( startedAt =, initiator = sp.sender, endorsements = sp.set([sp.sender]), actions = actions ) # Update signer's last proposal[sp.sender].lastProposalId = sp.some(proposalId) # Approve the proposal if quorum only requires 1 vote with sp.if_( < 2): self.onApproved( sp.record( proposalId = proposalId, actions = actions, ) ) @sp.entrypoint def endorsement(self, endorsements): """ Entrypoint used to submit endorsements to single/multiple proposals. """ # Endorsements can only be submitted by registered signers self.failIfNotSigner(sp.sender) # Iterate over every endorsement with sp.for_("pId", endorsements) as pId: self.registerEndorsement( sp.record( proposalId = pId, signerAddress = sp.sender ) ) # Approve the proposal if quorum was reached proposal =[pId] with sp.if_(sp.len(proposal.endorsements) >= self.onApproved( sp.record( proposalId = pId, actions = proposal.actions, ) ) @sp.entrypoint def aggregated_proposal(self, params): """ Users can send aggregated proposal, which are signed offchain and validated onchain. """ sp.set_type(params, MS_TYPES.AggregatedProposalParams) self.failIfNotSigner(sp.sender) += 1 sp.verify( == params.proposalId, message = ERR.InvalidProposalId) proposal = sp.compute( sp.record( startedAt =, initiator = sp.sender, endorsements = sp.set([sp.sender]), actions = params.actions ) ) # If the proposal initiator has an active proposal, # then replace that proposal with the new one proposerLastProposalId =[sp.sender].lastProposalId with sp.if_(proposerLastProposalId != sp.none):[sp.sender].lastProposalId = sp.some(params.proposalId)[params.proposalId] = proposal preSignature = sp.compute( sp.pack( sp.record( actions = params.actions, # (contractAddress + proposalId) protect against replay attacks proposalId = params.proposalId, contractAddress = sp.self_address, ) ) ) # Validate and apply endorsements with sp.for_("signature", params.signatures) as signature: self.failIfNotSigner(signature.signerAddress) publicKey =[signature.signerAddress].publicKey sp.verify(sp.check_signature(publicKey, signature.signature, preSignature), message = ERR.Badsig) proposal.endorsements.add(signature.signerAddress) # Check quorum with sp.if_(sp.len(proposal.endorsements) >= self.onApproved( sp.record( proposalId = params.proposalId, actions = proposal.actions, ) ) @sp.entrypoint def aggregated_endorsement(self, endorsements): """ Users can send aggregated votes, which are signed offchain and validated onchain. """ sp.set_type(endorsements, MS_TYPES.AggregatedEndorsementParams) with sp.for_("endorsment", endorsements) as endorsement: with sp.for_("signature", endorsement.signatures) as signature: self.failIfNotSigner(signature.signerAddress) preSignature = sp.pack( sp.record( # (contractAddress + proposalId) protect against replay attacks contractAddress = sp.self_address, proposalId = endorsement.proposalId ) ) publicKey =[signature.signerAddress].publicKey sp.verify( sp.check_signature(publicKey, signature.signature, preSignature), message = ERR.Badsig ) self.registerEndorsement( sp.record( proposalId = endorsement.proposalId, signerAddress = signature.signerAddress ) ) proposal = sp.compute([endorsement.proposalId]) with sp.if_(sp.len(proposal.endorsements) >= self.onApproved( sp.record( proposalId = endorsement.proposalId, actions = proposal.actions, ) ) @sp.entrypoint def cancel_proposal(self, proposalId): self.failIfNotSigner(sp.sender) # Signers can only cancel their own proposals sp.verify([proposalId].initiator == sp.sender, message = ERR.NotInitiator) ##################################### # ++ GLOBAL LAMBDAS # ##################################### @sp.private_lambda(with_storage="read-write", wrap_call=True) def registerEndorsement(self, params): self.failIfProposalNotActive(params.proposalId) # Add endorsement to proposal[params.proposalId].endorsements.add(params.signerAddress) @sp.private_lambda(with_storage="read-write", with_operations=True, wrap_call=True) def onApproved(self, params): with (params.actions).match_cases() as arg: # Internal actions are applied to the multisig contract with arg.match("internal") as internalActions: with sp.for_("action", internalActions) as action: self.selfAdmin(action) # Removes all active proposals after an administrative change. self.removeActiveProposals() # External actions are applied to other contracts with arg.match("external") as externalActions: with sp.for_("action", externalActions) as action: target = sp.contract(sp.TBytes, sp.transfer(action.actions, sp.tez(0), target) def selfAdmin(self, action): """ Apply administrative actions to the multisig contract """ with (action).match_cases() as arg: with arg.match('changeQuorum') as quorum: = quorum with arg.match('changeMetadata') as metadata: k, v = sp.match_pair(metadata) with sp.if_(v.is_some()):[k] = v.open_some() with sp.else_(): del[k] with arg.match('changeSigners') as changeSigners: with (changeSigners).match_cases() as cvAction: with cvAction.match('removed') as removeSet: with sp.for_("address", removeSet.elements()) as address: with sp.if_( # Remove signer del[address] # We don't remove signer[address].lastProposalId # because we remove all activeProposals after it. with cvAction.match('added') as addList: with sp.for_("signer", addList) as signer:[signer.address] = sp.record( publicKey = signer.publicKey, lastProposalId = sp.none ) # Ensure that the contract never requires more quorum than the total of signers. sp.verify( <= sp.len(, message = ERR.MoreQuorumThanSigners) def removeActiveProposals(self): """ This method removes all active proposals when either the quorum or the signers get updated. """ = sp.set([])
- smartpy.Contract
- MultisigHelpers
Class variables
var registerEndorsement
var onApproved
def proposal(self, actions)
Entrypoint. Each user can have at most one proposal active at a time. Submitting a new proposal overrides the previous one.
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@sp.entrypoint def proposal(self, actions): """ Each user can have at most one proposal active at a time. Submitting a new proposal overrides the previous one. """ # Proposals can only be submitted by registered signers self.failIfNotSigner(sp.sender) # If the proposal initiator has an active proposal, # then replace that proposal with the new one signerLastProposalId =[sp.sender].lastProposalId with sp.if_(signerLastProposalId != sp.none): # Increment proposal counter += 1 proposalId = # Store new proposal[proposalId] = sp.record( startedAt =, initiator = sp.sender, endorsements = sp.set([sp.sender]), actions = actions ) # Update signer's last proposal[sp.sender].lastProposalId = sp.some(proposalId) # Approve the proposal if quorum only requires 1 vote with sp.if_( < 2): self.onApproved( sp.record( proposalId = proposalId, actions = actions, ) )
def endorsement(self, endorsements)
Entrypoint. Entrypoint used to submit endorsements to single/multiple proposals.
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@sp.entrypoint def endorsement(self, endorsements): """ Entrypoint used to submit endorsements to single/multiple proposals. """ # Endorsements can only be submitted by registered signers self.failIfNotSigner(sp.sender) # Iterate over every endorsement with sp.for_("pId", endorsements) as pId: self.registerEndorsement( sp.record( proposalId = pId, signerAddress = sp.sender ) ) # Approve the proposal if quorum was reached proposal =[pId] with sp.if_(sp.len(proposal.endorsements) >= self.onApproved( sp.record( proposalId = pId, actions = proposal.actions, ) )
def aggregated_proposal(self, params)
Entrypoint. Users can send aggregated proposal, which are signed offchain and validated onchain.
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@sp.entrypoint def aggregated_proposal(self, params): """ Users can send aggregated proposal, which are signed offchain and validated onchain. """ sp.set_type(params, MS_TYPES.AggregatedProposalParams) self.failIfNotSigner(sp.sender) += 1 sp.verify( == params.proposalId, message = ERR.InvalidProposalId) proposal = sp.compute( sp.record( startedAt =, initiator = sp.sender, endorsements = sp.set([sp.sender]), actions = params.actions ) ) # If the proposal initiator has an active proposal, # then replace that proposal with the new one proposerLastProposalId =[sp.sender].lastProposalId with sp.if_(proposerLastProposalId != sp.none):[sp.sender].lastProposalId = sp.some(params.proposalId)[params.proposalId] = proposal preSignature = sp.compute( sp.pack( sp.record( actions = params.actions, # (contractAddress + proposalId) protect against replay attacks proposalId = params.proposalId, contractAddress = sp.self_address, ) ) ) # Validate and apply endorsements with sp.for_("signature", params.signatures) as signature: self.failIfNotSigner(signature.signerAddress) publicKey =[signature.signerAddress].publicKey sp.verify(sp.check_signature(publicKey, signature.signature, preSignature), message = ERR.Badsig) proposal.endorsements.add(signature.signerAddress) # Check quorum with sp.if_(sp.len(proposal.endorsements) >= self.onApproved( sp.record( proposalId = params.proposalId, actions = proposal.actions, ) )
def aggregated_endorsement(self, endorsements)
Entrypoint. Users can send aggregated votes, which are signed offchain and validated onchain.
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@sp.entrypoint def aggregated_endorsement(self, endorsements): """ Users can send aggregated votes, which are signed offchain and validated onchain. """ sp.set_type(endorsements, MS_TYPES.AggregatedEndorsementParams) with sp.for_("endorsment", endorsements) as endorsement: with sp.for_("signature", endorsement.signatures) as signature: self.failIfNotSigner(signature.signerAddress) preSignature = sp.pack( sp.record( # (contractAddress + proposalId) protect against replay attacks contractAddress = sp.self_address, proposalId = endorsement.proposalId ) ) publicKey =[signature.signerAddress].publicKey sp.verify( sp.check_signature(publicKey, signature.signature, preSignature), message = ERR.Badsig ) self.registerEndorsement( sp.record( proposalId = endorsement.proposalId, signerAddress = signature.signerAddress ) ) proposal = sp.compute([endorsement.proposalId]) with sp.if_(sp.len(proposal.endorsements) >= self.onApproved( sp.record( proposalId = endorsement.proposalId, actions = proposal.actions, ) )
def cancel_proposal(self, proposalId)
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@sp.entrypoint def cancel_proposal(self, proposalId): self.failIfNotSigner(sp.sender) # Signers can only cancel their own proposals sp.verify([proposalId].initiator == sp.sender, message = ERR.NotInitiator)
def selfAdmin(self, action)
Apply administrative actions to the multisig contract
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def selfAdmin(self, action): """ Apply administrative actions to the multisig contract """ with (action).match_cases() as arg: with arg.match('changeQuorum') as quorum: = quorum with arg.match('changeMetadata') as metadata: k, v = sp.match_pair(metadata) with sp.if_(v.is_some()):[k] = v.open_some() with sp.else_(): del[k] with arg.match('changeSigners') as changeSigners: with (changeSigners).match_cases() as cvAction: with cvAction.match('removed') as removeSet: with sp.for_("address", removeSet.elements()) as address: with sp.if_( # Remove signer del[address] # We don't remove signer[address].lastProposalId # because we remove all activeProposals after it. with cvAction.match('added') as addList: with sp.for_("signer", addList) as signer:[signer.address] = sp.record( publicKey = signer.publicKey, lastProposalId = sp.none ) # Ensure that the contract never requires more quorum than the total of signers. sp.verify( <= sp.len(, message = ERR.MoreQuorumThanSigners)
def removeActiveProposals(self)
This method removes all active proposals when either the quorum or the signers get updated.
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def removeActiveProposals(self): """ This method removes all active proposals when either the quorum or the signers get updated. """ = sp.set([])
class InternalHelper
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class InternalHelper(): def variant(content): return sp.variant("internal", content) def changeQuorum(quorum): return sp.variant("changeQuorum", quorum) def removeSigners(l): return sp.variant("changeSigners", sp.variant("removed", sp.set(l)) ) def addSigners(l): added_list = [] for added_info in l: addr, publicKey = added_info added_list.append( sp.record( address = addr, publicKey = publicKey) ) return sp.variant("changeSigners", sp.variant("added", sp.list(added_list)) )
def variant(content)
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def variant(content): return sp.variant("internal", content)
def changeQuorum(quorum)
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def changeQuorum(quorum): return sp.variant("changeQuorum", quorum)
def removeSigners(l)
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def removeSigners(l): return sp.variant("changeSigners", sp.variant("removed", sp.set(l)) )
def addSigners(l)
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def addSigners(l): added_list = [] for added_info in l: addr, publicKey = added_info added_list.append( sp.record( address = addr, publicKey = publicKey) ) return sp.variant("changeSigners", sp.variant("added", sp.list(added_list)) )
class ExternalHelper
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class ExternalHelper(): def variant(content): return sp.variant("external", content) def changeActive(active): return sp.variant("changeActive", active) def changeAdmin(address): return sp.variant("changeAdmin", address)
def variant(content)
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def variant(content): return sp.variant("external", content)
def changeActive(active)
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def changeActive(active): return sp.variant("changeActive", active)
def changeAdmin(address)
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def changeAdmin(address): return sp.variant("changeAdmin", address)
class Administrated (admin, active)
This contract is a sample It shows how a contract can be administrated through the multisig administration contract
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class Administrated(sp.Contract): """ This contract is a sample It shows how a contract can be administrated through the multisig administration contract """ def __init__(self, admin, active): self.init( admin = admin, active = active ) AdministrationType = sp.TVariant( changeAdmin = sp.TAddress, changeActive = sp.TBool ) @sp.entrypoint def administrate(self, actionsBytes): sp.verify(sp.sender ==, message = "NOT ADMIN") # actionsBytes is packed and must be unpacked actions = sp.unpack(actionsBytes, sp.TList(Administrated.AdministrationType)).open_some(message = "Actions are invalid") with sp.for_("action", actions) as action: with (action).match_cases() as arg: with arg.match('changeActive') as active: = active with arg.match('changeAdmin') as admin: = admin @sp.entrypoint def verifyActive(self): sp.verify(, message = "NOT ACTIVE") # Helpers def packActions(self, actions): actions = sp.set_type_expr(actions, sp.TList(Administrated.AdministrationType)) return sp.pack(actions)
- smartpy.Contract
Class variables
var AdministrationType
def administrate(self, actionsBytes)
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@sp.entrypoint def administrate(self, actionsBytes): sp.verify(sp.sender ==, message = "NOT ADMIN") # actionsBytes is packed and must be unpacked actions = sp.unpack(actionsBytes, sp.TList(Administrated.AdministrationType)).open_some(message = "Actions are invalid") with sp.for_("action", actions) as action: with (action).match_cases() as arg: with arg.match('changeActive') as active: = active with arg.match('changeAdmin') as admin: = admin
def verifyActive(self)
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@sp.entrypoint def verifyActive(self): sp.verify(, message = "NOT ACTIVE")
def packActions(self, actions)
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def packActions(self, actions): actions = sp.set_type_expr(actions, sp.TList(Administrated.AdministrationType)) return sp.pack(actions)