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Signatures โ€‹

The type of signatures in SmartPy is sp.TSignature.
The corresponding type in Michelson is

Michelson signature.

See reference Signatures and State Channels.

Operations โ€‹

Check signature โ€‹

sp.check_signature(<public_key>,ย <signature>,ย <original_content_bytes>)
Determine whether the signature s (a sp.TSignature value) has been produced by signing b (a sp.TBytes value) with the private key corresponding to k (a sp.TKey public key value).

Example โ€‹

k = sp.key("edpkuBknW28nW72KG6RoHtYW7p12T6GKc7nAbwYX5m8Wd9sDVC9yav")
s = sp.signature("edsigu3QszDjUpeqYqbvhyRxMpVFamEnvm9FYnt7YiiNt9nmjYfh8ZTbsybZ5WnBkhA7zfHsRVyuTnRsGLR6fNHt1Up1FxgyRtF")
b = sp.bytes("0x00aabb")

sp.check_signature(k, s, b)

Make signature โ€‹

sp.make_signature(secret_key, message,ย message_formatย =ย 'Raw')
Forge a signature compatible with sp.check_signature(...); the message is a sp.TBytes value (usually the result of an sp.pack call), the message_format can also be "Hex" in which case the message will be interpreted as an hexadecimal string.

Example โ€‹

    message_format = 'Raw'

sp.make_signature is not available for compilation to Michelson as a smart contract cannot manipulate secret keys.
It can only be used in Tests and Scenarios.