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6. Settle a game โ€‹

What is a settlement? โ€‹

When a game finishes it has an outcome (of type t_outcome). Each outcome is associated to a settlement (via settlements) that is carried out. This consists in updating the channel bounds according to the thus specified transfers.

The game will be flagged as settled, so the game bonds cannot be opposed anymore to challenge a withdraw.

Settle a game โ€‹

To be settled, a game must be pushed on-chain. It means that a newgame must have been pushed on-chain as well as the laststate.

Anyone can call the game_settle entrypoint.

def game_settle(self, game_id):
    sp.set_type(game_id, sp.TBytes)
platform.game_settle(game_id).run(sender = player1)

Reminds on outcome โ€‹

Three types of outcomes exist:

  • player_double_played: set by double_signed or double_signed_offchain
  • player_inactive: set by starved entrypoint
  • game_finished: set by apply_ lambda after a play or by the current.outcome of update_state

Outcome value of player_double_played and player_inactive represents the id of the player associated with the fault. Outcome value of game_finished is freely defined by the game.

A game without outcome can't be settled.

Transfers โ€‹

Transfers are defined by the game constant settlements. Each outcome and outcome value is associated with a list of transfers.

No transfer occurs if the outcome and outcome value aren't in settlements.

A transfer decreases bonds of the sender and increases bonds of the receiver.

If the sender doesn't own enough to perform the transfer, the entire settlement fails.